A church “cell group” or “home group” is a home-based small group of individuals or families that meet together for…
The greatest gift ever given is outlined in John 3:16. God gave His only son so that we might have eternal…
Off Campus Small Group Childcare There has been a trend for churches to meet off campus to promote connectivity and…
There are two main lines of insurance – one is Property and the other Liability. Within each of these categories…
Pets and their owners can be a hard thing to separate. People take them on planes, in cars and even…
If you live in or around Houston, you’re well aware of the devastation flood damage can cause. This article will cover…
An Outreach or a Hazard? It’s not unusual for church parking lots to double as a makeshift basketball court. Throw…
What Limit of Umbrella Liability Insurance Do I Need? The reason this is such a difficult question to answer is…
Hire “At Will” – Terminate “For Cause” As an insurance agency, we see approximately 50% or more of liability driven…
Summer time is almost here! Hand in hand with that, comes Summer youth activities such as camp, offsite trips and…